“AnyCargo – AnyVehicle – AnyMile – AnySpot – even Autonomously”

Commitment for creating system level solution
for Urban logistics
CONTAI AnyX is characterised as a global logistics ecosystem that constructs connected logistics services especially in urban areas through modular micro Pods, ground-level mPod exchange Hubs, curbside Loading spots, manned and unmanned light commercial Vehicles equipped with automatic Loaders, including common module interfaces and connectivity protocols.
Passion for innovation and sustainability in developing
a future-proof solution for common use
During years of trials and thought experiments we have covered all angles of the truly connected urban logistics: module architecture with strategic physical interfaces, technical boundaries for existing logistics and urban infrastructure, digital integrations and openness to future mobility creation.
From siloed approaches towards
collaborative solutions
with standard module interfaces
The AnyX platform is highly scalable, intelligent and environmentally friendly improving technical and collaborative cross-use of (OEM) modules and process automation in sorting centres, city space, city hubs, curbside and any final delivery and indoor collection spot.
Physical Internet as a strategic logistics foundation
AnyX extends and implements the Physical Internet roadmap in particular for
the first, last and indoor micro mile.
CONTAI’s focus area is the Urban Physical Internet connected to the entire supply chain. The Physical Internet framework and roadmap is led by The European Technology Platform ALICE.